Two Interactive online webinars with Will & Lilly Davis

The founders of Functional Analysis-Body Psychotherapy

How to Evaluate a therapeutic process using a Functional Model

Oct 20 , 7 – 9 pm Melb. Aust.


Generally, psychotherapy looks to work with the patient through his or her history, the stories that formed their life. Reich’s functional model offers another approach that is both simpler and deeper yet harder to teach. It is a way to describe the simultaneously identical activity of physical, psychic and emotional phenomena. 

Working Energetically in Verbal Therapy

Oct 27,  7 – 9 pm Melb. Aust


Reich postulated that psyche and soma are not just in relationship with each other, but related to an underlying energetic process. This energetic matrix allows in the somatic realm the construction of a body and in the psychic realm the constitution of a mind.

They are functionally identical.

Together they form the self.

Booking and Payment 

If you can not make the live sessions but would like to take part, the recordings will be available for your viewing on a private Vimeo link. The links will be accessible for 30 days after each session.

2 Webinars

20th & 27th  2021


Once you have paid please fill in the form below. Before the webinar you will receive an email with the Zoom link and other details.

The Form