1.1 Wilhelm Reich: the Father of body Psychotherapy
1.2 Connecting Body Psychotherapy with Dance, Movement and the Manual Therapies
2.1 Introduction
2.2 CT Components
2.2.1 Plasma/Ground Substance (GS)
2.2.2 Connective Tissue Cells
2.2.3 Connective Tissue Fibers
3.1 Connective Tissue Connects
3.2 Connective Tissue Separates
3.2.1 Separation and Psychic Development
3.2.2 Connective Tissue Separates and Connects
3.3 Creates Space
3.4 Creates Form and Shape
3.5 Stores Fat
3.6 Supports
3.7 Protects
3.8 Synchronizes movement
3.9 Creates erectness through hydrostatic pressure and tensegrity
3.10 Transporter
3.11 Energetic receiver, transmitter and amplifier
3.12 Manufacturing center
Chapter 4 A Review of the Myofascial System
4.1 The Myofascial System, Bones and Emotions
- 2.The Fascial Element
- 3.Embodiment: Mind over Muscle
Chapter 5 Fascia
5.1 Difficulties Defining Fascia
5.2 Fascia and Body Psychotherapy
Chapter 6 Plasticity
6.1 Plasticity and the Central Nervous System
6.2Plasticity and the Autonomic Nervous System
6.3Plasticity and Ground Substance
6.4 Plasticity and the Enteric Nervous System
6.4.1 Microbiome and the Central Nervous System
6.4.2 The Poly Vagal Theory
6.4.3 The Biome, Neurodevelopment and Functioning
6.4.4 Biome and Probiotics
Chapter 7 Matrix
7.1 Matrix as a Paradigm Shift
7.2 The Matrix as a Bottom Up Model
7.2.1 The Id Knows More Than the Ego Admits
7.2.2 Artificial Intelligence as a Bottom Up Model
7.2.3 Healing andTissue Regeneration as a Bottom up model
7.3 Gap Junctions as a Matrix Model
7.4 Tensegrity and BioTensegrity: An Engineering Versions of the Matrix
7.4.1 Tensegrity as a Matrix System
7.4.2 Biotensegrity on a Macro Scale
7.4.3 Biotensegrity Matrix on the Micro Level: The geodesic dome in the cell
7.4.4 Tissue’s Structural, Architectural and Developmental Memory
7.4.5 Tensegrity and Energetics
7.5 A Summary
Chapter 8 Energetics and Therapeutic Touch
8.1 Touch as Touch, not as Treatment
8.1.1 Social Touch and Sexual Touch
8.2 Touch and Intention
8.3 Touch as Treatment: Therapeutic Touch
8.3.1 Touch, energy and information
8.3.2 How Touch Transforms into Information
8.3.3 Touch, Interoception and Interpretation
8.3.4 Form, Function and Behavior
8.3.5 A Case Example
8.3.6 Anticipatory Pain
8.3.7 The Therapist’s Philosophy
8.3.8 More Questions about Touch
8.4 The Piezoelectric Effect and Touch
8.5 Entrainment, Resonance and Touch
8.5.1 Resonance without Touch
8.6 Psychotherapy, Resonance and Entrainment
8.7 Minimal Stimulus Touch
8.8 Some Further Considerations about Touch.
8.9 A Summary
Chapter 9 Connective Tissue Matrix and the Schizoid Process
Connective Tissue and Schizoid Similarities
Connective Tissue Functions Schizoid Behaviors
Early development in the organism Early disturbance in the organism
Stabilizes against intrusions/disturbances Plasmatic contraction/Moro Reflex
First defense response
Supports the organism Contraction equals grounding
Inner ground
Protects integrity of the organism Contracts to not disappear
Creates erectness Schizoid’s vertical line in the body
Creates shape and space No space or place in the world
Dehydrates Dried out
Re-hydrates Fleshes out, fills out in therapy
Crystallizes Brittle/fragile
Fibrous Fibrous/Stringy
Tensile strength Wiry, resilient
Matrix/Network system Whole body contraction/More Reflex
Snaps – all or nothing Snaps – Schizes out
From nothing to tover reaction
Under stress, develops in parallel lines Tube-like, vertical line of the body
Little vasculation and innervation Cold, distant, contact less
Less sensation
Less response
Separates/encapsulates/contains Isolated/loner/separate
Determines Metabolism Undernourished
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