Functional Analysis Psychosomatic Psychotherapy Australia


NEW Full Training Program begins September 2025

The theoretical and experiential part of the training is done over a 3 year period.

If the clincal hours of personal psychotherapy, client contact hours and supervison hours are not completed  in that time frame, traninees will have aditioanal time to do so. 

Foundational Level


  1. The Connective Tissues: The Matrix

  2. Physical Touch in Psychotherapy and the different types of tissues in the formation of characters 

  3. Working with the In-stroke

  4. Self to Self-relationship and the Endo-Self

  5. Energy concepts and working energetically in therapy

  6. Verbal work techniques

  7. A new Paradigm for early disturbance and trauma

  8. Functional Criteria to evaluate a therapeutic process

 New Points & Position will be taught and practised in each module

Advanced Level

Certificate in Functional Analysis Psychosomatic Psychotherapy


  1. The Ocular segment

  2. Working with the pulsatory process: centering and expressive techniques   

  3. The Defence Systems: the character structures. A different diagnistic tool: reading the body

  4. The Fucntianl Model and its relevance to psychotherapy

  5. Non-verbal communication

  6. Working safely with trauma without the drama

*each lecture will be followed by workshops with practical experience of the theme presented and review of the Points & Positions Touch-technique and of the distinctive verbal techniques


Requirements to qualify as a Functional Analysis Psychosomatic Psychotherapist

Total hours of the training program: 450 hours

  • The Curriculum consists of 14 modules.  300 hours (196 face to face) :seminars on theoretical framework, workshops on clinical application and study of the reading material.

  • *130 hours of group practice: 2 group practice between each module.  One tutored, one peer-led. Trainees will practice with each other and receive supportive and focused feedback on abilities and skills development of the verbal and physical work.

  • 20 hours of tutor contact:  Tutoring assistance is offered online or in presence as part of the trainees’s support system. Tutor contact is not a replacement for personal therapy.

Other Requirments 

  • 200 hours of client contact 

  • 50 hours supervision – up to 50% can be group supervision

  • 150 hours of personal psychotherapy. The majority of hours must be done within the Functional Analysis framework.  Hours in other modalites of psychotherpy can be included.

  • Final assessment: a written case study with a minimum of 1500 words


Fee Structure

Full training




Foundational Level


to be paid at the beginning of the training

Advanced Level


(includes Group Supervision) to be paid at the beginning of the Advanced training.

Payment Plan

We offer a payment plan that can be arranged with the administrator when you enrol.

*These fees do not include personal psychotherapy sessions

Australian Trainers:

Ermanno Bergami : 0414 866476;

Maria Sangiorgi :  0419 523710

International Trainer

Will Davis:

Anna Comacchio:

Training Administrator:

 Maggie Bergami : 0425 701411