FAPSPA presents Poetry in Motion Webinar with Jody Jakob

The journey from Bioenergetics to Osteopathy and back again to psychotherapy.


The power of touch in the therapeutic process


This Webinar is about the power of touch to release blocked emotions and memories within the body mind and soul.

During my studies of psychology and Bioenergetics, I was fascinated by the physiological effects of neurosis, psychosis and blockages to releasing the full potential of a person’s body, mind and soul. At this time I was at the Bioenergetic Institute working with Alexander Lowen and John Pierrakos and also studying the works of the great Wilhelm Reich.

This took me to the study of Osteopathy where I incorporated touch, words and emotions.

More recently, I have been teaching psychotherapists of diverse orientation how to use touch in a therapeutic and gentle way.


My message to students is very simple:


No matter your specialty, find a few minutes to put your hands on your patients and try some simple techniques.


You will find that touching translates to care.

It is not a placebo, it tells the patient that you really care about them.


The funny thing is that once you do treat and TOUCH a patient, you start to become vested in their care.

Touch will enhance your practice and through you, patients can sense your intent and improve.


During this webinar, I will be sharing what I’ve learned over the years to enhance your therapeutic intervention.

I hope I will have time to give you two or three techniques that will enable you to help your patients following this webinar.


Thursday 26th October 2023

7 – 9 pm

Eastern Austlralian Time


Many therapists today want to bring more embodiment and somatic practice into their work.

We, as Association dedicated to bridge psychotherapy and anatomy, are delighted to present this Professional Development  Dr. Jody Jakob, his professional journey and outstanding experience.                            

The 2 hours  can be counted towards CPD  points.



Born and raised in New York City, Jody Jakob finished university in the United States (while driving a yellow taxi during the day and going to university at night) and afterwards went to London, to study at the British School of Osteopathy.

While still in New York City, he studied at the New York City Bioenergetic Institute, there he learned much about body work  and how tensions can arise in the body because of traumas during a person’s life. It was there that he met Nadine Scott, who further at his study in Bioenergetics and became his mentor.

After graduating in 1979, Jody developed his skills by practising in the UK, benefiting from the exposure to higher standards of practice and proficiency. He also taught Osteopathic technique at the British College of Osteopathy and Naturopathy.

Frustrated by the British weather, Jody and his family decided to move to Portugal.  Jody has deep roots, having now lived and worked in Portugal for over 38 years, where four of his eight children were born.

Over the past 10 tears, Jody has tutored and mentored many young Osteopathy students and lectured and promoted workshops for both Osteopaths and other health care providers.

For two years Jody was an external examiner for the Osteopathy degree of “Oxford Brookes University” in Lisbon.

Jody’s main passion is treating patients, which he has been doing continuously, ever since he graduated, more than 100,000 patients treated over the 49 years.

He has always used a combination of Bioenergetics and Osteopathy in his very characteristic way of working.

Bodywork is another form of psychotherapy or another tool that therapists can use to help patients move on, go through blocks, and learn new ways of being for a more satisfying life.

Jody Jakob is a member of the:

  • Associação de Profissionais de Osteopatia
  • General Council and Register of Osteopaths-UK
  • Forum for Osteopathic Regulation

Jody has been interested in volunteering in counselling work for parents, whose children have gone before them, ever since his 20 year old son died in a road traffic accident by a man who was speeding, went through a stop sign and was under the influence of alcohol.He wants to channel his grief into helping other mothers and fathers, whose children have gone before them.